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Ways on how to clean curtains
Drapery Cleaning in Agoura Hills — Drapes need regular washing and build up debris and dirt over time. When your curtains become dirty, you can deep clean them or hand wash them. Regularly dust or vacuum your drapes to keep them clean as time passes. Watch out for sun damage. Sun damaged curtains ought to be cleaned more delicately to minimize damage.

Deep Cleaning Your Drapes

Remove from your window. To clean your drapes, remove them from the window and lay them on a surface that is flat. Remove any hardware from the drapes, such as wood surveys, which means that you may concentrate on cleaning the fabric. Open a window, if your drapes are extremely dusty. This will stop you from inhaling debris and dust.
Check the tag of the manufacturer. There should be a manufacturer’s tag on the inside of your curtains. This should give you directions on cleaning. Before washing your drapes, know what cleaning procedures will not damage the curtains. Some drapes are hand wash and many others require dry cleaning In case you can not find a manufacturer’s label, it is best to opt for cleaning. Professional dry cleaners will have a better sense than you of what kind of cleaning methods are secure for drapes. Drapes are costly, therefore it is imperative not to harm them in the cleaning process. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s label carefully and never . Very sheer fabrics, and wool, cotton are not machine washable.
Vacuum the curtains. Before washing your curtains vacuum them to remove dust and debris. Lay your curtains flat on the ground. Run a vacuum over the curtains until your layers of dirt and dust. Use the crevice tool of your vacuum to enter any folds or hard to reach places. If your vacuum includes a detachable upholstery brush, then use this utensil to vacuum the drapes. Sheer fabrics might not hold up under vacuuming. Remember to follow the directions on the label of the manufacturer and do not vacuum drapes if it advices contrary to this. You can shake drapes outside if you can’t vacuum them.
Machine wash curtains. Some drapes are machine washable. You can be saved labour and time by With a machine to clean your curtains. Only wash 1 panel of curtains at one time. Use a cycle and use water to wash drapes. After washing them to avoid wrinkling, remove your drapes from the machine instantly.
Hand wash curtains. Cotton, wool, and fabrics such as lace generally need hand washing. Never put hand wash just drapes in a machine, as this can lead to damage. To hand wash curtains, fill a sink with water and add 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent. Put a single panel at one time from the water. Let the panels to soak for 10 minutes. Then, swirl the debris to be removed by the curtains. Drain the sink and refill it with clean water. Repeat the process. Be certain until all soap residue is removed, to swirl your curtains. If necessary, repeat the rinsing process twice.
Air dry your drapes. Drapes should be air dried to prevent shrinking and other harm. After washing them, your curtains only hang back up. Lay towels down under the drapes to catch any water that was dripping. In a few days, your drapes should be dry.

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