Green Carpets Cleaning

The Practice of Disinfection During the COVID 19 Era

Guidelines for House Cleaning That Are Recommended By the CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established guidelines for routine cleaning and disinfection, as well as recommendations for what steps should be taken when someone in the home becomes ill. To ensure that your home is a healthy environment for your family and your pets, be sure to follow these guidelines.

Use Soap and Water to Wash Down the Surfaces.
When you are cleaning your home, make sure to wear gloves that are disposable. When cleaning surfaces, soap and water should be used. It is important to ensure that all high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, counters, tables, and light switches, are cleaned on a regular basis.

Purge and Sanitize the Surfaces
After washing the surface with soap and water, it should be disinfected with a common household product if the dirt can still be seen after the initial cleaning. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains a list of disinfectants, all of which have been determined to be effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is responsible for COVID-19. Ensure that you comply with each and every one of the manufacturer’s guidelines, including the following:

Maintaining a wet surface for an extended period of time.
putting on gloves designed for protection.
ensuring that the area has adequate air circulation.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “diluted household bleach solutions may also be used if appropriate for the surface.” This recommendation comes on top of the list of registered disinfectants that the EPA has compiled. The following procedures need to be followed in order to successfully make a bleach solution:

Make sure you read the label on the bleach. Check to see that the bleach has not passed its expiration date and that it was designed to kill germs.
Always make sure to follow the directions given by the manufacturer. Make sure that you follow the instructions regarding the application, as well as the ventilation requirements.
Get ready to apply the solution. Blend one third of a cup, which is equal to five tablespoons, of bleach into one gallon of water to make a solution for household bleach.
Under no circumstances should ammonia or any other cleaner be combined with household bleach.
At the very least, you should let the solution sit on the surface for a minute.

It’s important to keep the carpet and other soft surfaces clean.

Many homeowners face a challenge when it comes to cleaning soft surfaces, particularly given the fact that the majority of household disinfectants are designed for use on hard surfaces. Nevertheless, there are methods that can assist you in keeping your carpet and other soft surfaces as clean as they possibly can be.

Use some soap and water to thoroughly clean the surface.
Clean up as much as you can. If you are able to remove the covers from your couch cushions or if your drapes can be washed in the machine, you should wash them at the highest temperature setting that is safe for the material. Each item should be dried completely.
Use a disinfectant. For a list of disinfectants that have been registered with the EPA for use against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, click here.

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