Green Carpets Cleaning


Should a carpet be changed if it has been flooded?

What can you do to fix water damage to the carpet in your home? If your carpet is flooded badly, is it salvageable?

When it comes to carpets, there are three distinct categories of floodwater:

The following measures you need to take to fix the water damage to your carpet will depend on the source of the flood. It’s possible that you won’t need to get a new carpet after all.

The three most common categories of floodwater that damage carpets are as follows:

Pure water, such as rainwater, etc. If you can get to this “Category 1” carpet condition within 24 hours, it can be saved.
Greywater. Since this is a “Category 2,” fixing it will be slightly more difficult. When water is discolored grey, it’s a sign that it contains toxins that can make you sick if you drink it or even touch it. Common sources of greywater flooding include washing machines, dishwashers, fish tanks, broken sump pumps, and clogged toilets. The carpet itself can be preserved if action is taken within 24 to 48 hours, but the padding underneath will need to be replaced.
Blackwater. The severity of this scenario warrants the third-highest “Category” label. Pathogens and other microorganisms are abundant in the blackwater. Sewer overflow, ocean tides, overflowing rivers, and natural disasters like hurricanes and typhoons are common sources of this destructive flood water. Carpets that have been through a Category 3 flood, no matter how quickly they are treated, will not survive.

What to Do If Your Carpet Gets Wet

To thoroughly restore your carpet after a flood of Category 1 or 2, you should follow these five measures.

Take out all of the moisture. After the flooding has ceased, you should do everything you can to get as much water out of the carpet as possible. Wet-dry vacuum cleaners are superior to towels.
Let the room breathe completely. Your carpet may be dry, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the rest of the room is. Remove moisture from the air by running a dehumidifier in the area.
Cleaning and drying your carpets is a must. A carpet-drying fan, dehumidifier, and steamer are all excellent options for this phase. Before using a steam cleaner to disinfect your carpets, you should get them as dry as possible. Don’t turn off the fan or the dehumidifier from the carpet drying procedure.
Clear out the rest of the filth and make it safe to be in. Untreated walls, baseboards, and unfinished flooring will still represent a mold risk. It can be cleaned with just soap, water, and some effort, but if you really want to go the additional mile, a mixture of bleach and water will do the trick as well.
Check for furniture that has been ruined by water. You should examine the other pieces of furniture in the room to see if they were harmed by the water that soaked your carpet. The same steps of drying, disinfecting, and airing out your furniture apply to preventing mold growth on your carpet; additionally, placing a dehumidifier in the same room can help as well. If the water damage to your furniture is too severe, you will need to get new pieces.

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