Green Carpets Cleaning

Drapery Cleaning in El Segundo — Cleaning the draperies can prolong their life and free your house of dust, dirt, pet hair and other allergens.
Weekly Maintenance
Eliminate dust from your curtains along with your vacuum. Most vacuums have. Simply set the brush attachment on the end of this hose and brush in an up and down motion throughout the cloth. A vacuum also works nicely for this task.
Washing the Drapes
IMPORTANT: CHECK THE TAGS Before attempting to clean your draperies. A few draperies should ONLY BE CLEANED PROFESSIONALLY. NEVER wash them if:
They aren’t specifically labeled as washable (when they are lined, be sure BOTH the drapery fabric and the lining are recorded as machine washable).
The cloth is damaged, frayed or faded (i.e. by sunlight)

Other embellishments or trim Aren’t listed as color-fast

The draperies contain an indication for”dry clean only”
In the event the draperies suggest”dry clean only,” you ought to take them into a dry cleaner that specializes in draperies and window treatments. Take heed of this label and follow these simple steps, In case your draperies are machine washable:
Carefully remove the curtains from the sticks (it’s best to have someone assist you with this as you will probably need a step stool or small ladder to reach the sticks ). NEVER pull or tug on the draperies to get down them since this might harm the sticks the fabric or the walls.
The draperies are wrapped with pins or hooks In the event , carefully remove these and place them aside.
Hand wash every panel in water and a detergent such as Woolite. For drapes that are large, it may be more easy to use the tub in place of the sink.
On the GENTLE cycle, the drapes can be put in the alternative, as indicated on the label, using warm or cold water. If the label does not indicate a temperature setting, then elect for cold. Use a mild detergent. In case your draperies are big or bulky, consider carrying them or doing the panels at a time where you can use oversized washers.
Place the drapes in a dryer on the setting indicated on the label (most likely low heat). If no drier setting is signaled, place on”no heat” (fluff) setting. Be careful to not overload the dryer.
Consider taking them into a laundromat with dryers that are oversized or doing one panel at a time. The most common source of damage to draperies during the cleaning process is heat; when in doubt (especially if using a commercial dryer unfamiliar for you), use the”no heat” setting. Suggestion: If you are lucky enough to possess an old clothesline, then instead of the dryer, hang your draperies outside to dry on the clothesline. You won’t need to worry about overheating, and the drapes will have a natural fresh scent. To maintain fabric avoid hanging in sun.
Remove out of your dryer if desired and press. Again, check for temperature settings in your tag. Use a cool iron if no indication is given. To avoid damage, use the iron on the side of the draperies.
Replace the pins or hooks (if any) and re-hang that the draperies on the rods. It is best to do this with a different person.

What height of window is best for Drapery in El Segundo

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