Green Carpets Cleaning

How rugs are made?

Almost every kind of rug can be cleaned by Green Carpet’s Cleaning. However, we don’t use the same methods or supplies to clean each one. This is why we inquire as to whether the rug was made by hand or machine when you contact us for a cleaning quote. Still unsure? Suggestions are as follows:

Investigate what lies beneath the carpet.
Machine-made. Oftentimes, the reverse side of machine-made carpets will feature a fuzzy, unattractive version of the rug’s top design. If you scratch the rug’s back, you’ll see the cloth mesh that serves as its base. The rug’s back is rough and scrapes because of its base. Rugs made by machines tend to be stain-resistant and durable, and they can usually be washed repeatedly without losing their original appearance. Tufted carpets are an obvious deviation from this norm and will be addressed below. Color-run is extremely uncommon in rugs produced from non-wool materials like olefin, polyester, or nylon. Machine-made wool carpets are more resistant to color transfer, but it is still possible.

Handmade. Oftentimes, the patterns on a handmade carpet will continue over the edges and even through to the back. Each knot can be distinguished from the next and counted independently. The vast majority don’t mind being completely doused with water and can even thrive in it. Some of them, however, are made using dyes that run easily when exposed to moisture. Handmade rugs of sorts prone to bleeding can be easily identified by the experienced personnel at American Rug Laundry. As a precaution, we check the rug’s dyes in a hidden area before exposing the entire thing to water. Rugs with fine fibers and colors that are easily displaced should be cleaned with a solution of white vinegar rather than water. We can also pre-treat the carpets to prevent the colors from running before they are washed. The rug is thoroughly cleaned using our Special Wash process.

Needlepoint Rugs Are One Good Example To be classified as a “Tufted” rug, the border or backing cloth must be attached to the rug with adhesive. In the manufacturing process, a machine is used to hook yarn tufts into a fabric mesh. To keep the fibers in their proper places, latex glue is applied to the back of the mesh. Fabric is then applied on top of the layer of adhesive to conceal it. Carpets can become brittle or buckle as they age because of the natural degradation of latex. Since the addition of water can hasten this process, we typically advise merely surface washing for tufted carpets unless they are really soiled. To clean the rug’s surface, you need to only immerse it in water to its ankles.

Check out the rim for yourself.
Can’t tell if your rug was made by hand or by machine. If your rug has fringes, you should check them out. Handmade rugs have fringes because the knots that make up the pile are tied off at the ends of the warp threads. This means that the fringes are an integral part of the rug’s structure. After the rug has been woven by machine, fringe is sewn onto both ends to complete the look. The fringes on a rug that were sewn on have a high propensity to become loose and eventually fall off due to the wear and tear they endure.

Need some more guidance while rug shopping? Get in touch with Green Carpet’s Cleaning. They also offer Same Day Carpet Cleaning Surfside service.

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