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How Much Does It Cost to Have My Drapes and Curtains Cleaned?
drapery cleaning in Las Flores in Las Flores — Drapes and curtains, with time, get dirty like everything else in your house. Periodic cleanings keep your home free of dust and allergens, and they preserve the life span of your curtains.
In the event the curtains are dry-clean just or you’re worried about hurting them, it is likely best to hire a professional cleaning services. Some cleaning companies pick up the drapes to clean them off, but others clean the drapes directly in your house or outside in a cleaning bath. You can have only a few of the drapes cleaned or choose to do them.

Curtain and Drape Cleaning Prices
Most cleaning services cost $70-$120 for every pair of curtains, but offer discounts if you have multiple sets cleaned at once. The cost varies based on the material of the curtains, the level of pleating, the type of cleaning along with your location.
Curtains and cotton curtains usually cost $65 to $95 for the first set and slightly less for each pair.

For silk drapes, budget $80-$120 per pair.
Polyester curtains cost about $60-$90 per pair.
Most cleaning companies have a fee – they likely will not come out to get a single pair of drapes. If you are seeking to have cleaned, or to save money, consider bringing the drapes to a cleaning service yourself, rather.
Also, bear in mind that your bill wills increase. Eliminating mould and mildew may cost you $150 each set. If you can help it, do not wait till the curtains are dirty to get them cleaned.
Cleaning Methods and Frequency
Some drapes can be hand washed, which means that you can tackle the job yourself if that is the case. Before washing read the label and follow the instructions. In most cases, the manufacturer will suggest washing the curtains in cold water and hanging them to dry. Kinds of drapes will need ironing.
The frequency of cleaning is dependent upon your conditions and cleanliness habits. Can you reside in a area? Do you live in a area and often leave the windows open? Routine vacuuming and spot cleaning may also lessen the frequency.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Drape Cleaning Service in Las Flores

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