Green Carpets Cleaning

How Frequently Should I Clean the Carpet?

We do a lot of work cleaning carpets, and there are a few things that we are asked on a consistent basis. The first is, how frequently should I clean my carpet? Another frequently asked question is, “How frequently should I have my carpet cleaned?” And finally, what measures can I take to preserve the life of my carpet?

We have decided to write a three-part series on these subjects in the hopes that it would assist you in determining the answers for yourself.

In order to raise the overall quality of our lives and make our environments more aesthetically pleasing, many of us have carpeting installed in our homes and places of business. The use of the carpet as a floor covering, on the other hand, has additional advantages. Namely, it lessens the amount of noise and vibration, and it also helps insulate against the cold air that rises from beneath the floor. These are among the most common justifications given for putting carpets in commercial spaces like offices and retail establishments.

However, in addition to that, the carpet acts as a material absorber. Over time, it will draw in and ensnare undesired substances, regardless of whether or not these substances can be seen. To put it another way, even if your carpet does not have any obvious stains or dirt on it, it may still be able to harbor pollutants because of the everyday use it receives. Pollen, fungus, mycotoxins, and microscopic mites are a few examples of allergens that belong to this category of pollutants. Soils, fibers, and air dust also belong to this category. If you have pets, you should also consider the hair and dander that they shed as part of this list. To our good fortune, a moderate to a high level of effectiveness in removing these toxins can be achieved with routine vacuuming.

When determining how often to vacuum, some considerations to keep in mind are as follows:

How frequently is the room used? For example, is it a family room, a waiting room, or a hallway? It will be necessary to vacuum these sorts of rooms more frequently than other types of rooms, such as guest bedrooms and conference rooms, which see less foot activity.

Children: Do you have children living in your house, or does your business primarily serve children, such as a daycare or an indoor amusement facility? If so, we’d like to know more about them. If this is the case, you will want to run the vacuum cleaner more frequently, not only due to the fact that children have a greater propensity to be larger vectors for dust and debris but also due to the fact that youngsters are more prone to illness than adults.

Ill and Elderly: Does your company provide services to people who are either sick or elderly? In order to preserve the health of your fragile patients, you will want to vacuum more frequently, particularly if you run a medical institution or a nursing home.

Temperature, Humidity, and the Time of Year: Is there a noticeable difference in the volume of foot traffic between the summer and the winter? When the weather is nicer, people tend to spend more time outside, and as a result, they track more dirt and dust into their houses on their shoes. As a result of this, carpets in homes typically require more frequent vacuuming during the warmer months. Another element is humidity, which plays a role in the collection of pollutants by the moisture in the air, which subsequently forms condensation on the carpet.

Do you have any cats and dogs as pets? It is most likely that you should vacuum twice as frequently in the rooms in which they spend the majority of their time.

Smoking, cooking, and wood stoves are all activities that can easily cause smoke, ash, oils, and other residues from cooking to become embedded in your carpet.
On what level is the room located? Floors on lower levels have a greater propensity to take in material from the environment than floors higher up.

Want more information? Check out Green Carpet’s Cleaning Service. They offer Same Day Carpet Cleaning Mountain View service.

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