Green Carpets Cleaning

Do you need to disinfect your carpet?

In general, you shouldn’t clean your carpet until there are stains that can be seen on it or until a few months have elapsed since the last time it was cleaned. Either way, you should wait until there are stains can be seen on it before cleaning it. During a pandemic such as the current COVID-19 epidemic, you could be asking whether or not you need to clean your carpet in a different method, or whether or not you need to clean it more thoroughly. In a situation like this, it is only reasonable to pose a question like this.

The answer to this question is affirmative; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advocate disinfecting surfaces as the best strategy to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus as well as other infections that are comparable. This applies not only to places that get a lot of foot traffic, such as your carpet, which can also harbor bacteria, viruses, and other germs, but also to high-touch surfaces in your home, such as doorknobs, worktops, and appliances.

Where should you even start if you aren’t used to having to clean your carpets and rugs on a regular basis? We have put together this list of helpful advice and suggestions for you so that we can be of more assistance to you.

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Carpet

Before you even consider disinfecting your carpet or rugs, you should always give them a thorough vacuuming first. This will remove any loose dirt and debris that may be present. Move the items of furniture you are working on out of the room if at all possible so that you may clean the floor in its entirety. This will allow you to work more efficiently. You can apply a disinfecting carpet solution or you can just use soap and water to clean the carpet after you have used a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust, pet dander, and allergens from your carpet. In order to get results that are as clean as they can possibly be, it is also recommended that you utilize a steam cleaner.

When searching for a solution to clean your carpet, you should make it a point to choose one that has been given the go-ahead to do so by the EPA and is designed to destroy germs and viruses in a manner that is targeted. This will ensure that your carpet is as clean as it can possibly be. In the event that you have reason to believe that a member of your household has been exposed to a pathogen that can cause illness, disinfecting the carpets and rugs in your home as soon as you can is your best bet for reducing the illness’s ability to spread further. At the very least, you should clean and disinfect your carpet at least twice a year according to a general rule of thumb that recommends this frequency.

You should check out Green Carpet’s Cleaning if you require additional professional assistance. Book a Same Day Carpet Cleaning Dixon service.

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